Invite mini-Andy on holiday!
2:27 PM
Going somewhere special?
A place perhaps with nice beaches and cool things to see?
Why not take along a little mini friend. Why not take along mini-Andy!
Yes that's right mini-Andy is available for free holidays to any destination in the world, but remember one thing...
He's got a job to do during term time just like maxi-Andy. So he can't come on holiday with you if you're going off during term-time. However he's available for single trips out in the evening, at weekends and over holidays.
So what do you need to do?
To book mini-Andy for your trip, just send him an invite in the comments box below and make a good case. You need to say why you should have him instead of anyone else, because remember, mini-Andy gets LOADS of invites everywhere so yours had better be good!
Why do you have to make a good case in writing to get mini-andy's company?
Well I thought that would be obvious. Once mini-Andy comes on holiday with you, it will be your job to write up right here the adventures of mini-andy complete with photos, so if your application is not very interesting then the chances are that his adventures won't be all that good either. It makes sense doesn't it...
So start typing now and book your weekend with the best friend you will ever have...
A place perhaps with nice beaches and cool things to see?
Why not take along a little mini friend. Why not take along mini-Andy!
Yes that's right mini-Andy is available for free holidays to any destination in the world, but remember one thing...
He's got a job to do during term time just like maxi-Andy. So he can't come on holiday with you if you're going off during term-time. However he's available for single trips out in the evening, at weekends and over holidays.
So what do you need to do?
To book mini-Andy for your trip, just send him an invite in the comments box below and make a good case. You need to say why you should have him instead of anyone else, because remember, mini-Andy gets LOADS of invites everywhere so yours had better be good!
Why do you have to make a good case in writing to get mini-andy's company?
Well I thought that would be obvious. Once mini-Andy comes on holiday with you, it will be your job to write up right here the adventures of mini-andy complete with photos, so if your application is not very interesting then the chances are that his adventures won't be all that good either. It makes sense doesn't it...
So start typing now and book your weekend with the best friend you will ever have...
I already love mini-Andy, but I don't have any holidays booked yet. As soon as I do, you'll be the first to know!
Thanks Foss - as ever you're always welcome to take mini-Andy off wherever as long as you don't do unspeakable things to him.
He's only small you know...
I think I should take mini andy to the sky trip because im responsable of hin and I the cooloest
oh, an i almost forgot! i am making his car!
Wanna go for some REAL fun hollydays?
Wanna go to another place thats not that real boring acid bottle??
Escape some days from your boss to see some real White snow falling and NO CHILDREN??
Wanna meet some GIRLY'S??hi,hi...
and go to fun parties?
We'll you just have to ask for Mr.Blunxow!!
Really easy and as EVERYONE likes it's FREE!!!!
A real dream,don't u think??
Well then choose this company!!
Hmmmmm Blunchow and mini-Andy car've not included your dates, but mini-Andy is sorely tempted by your offer of white snow and girlys. If there is some way that he can arrange to be transported there (that's up to you 2 to arrange) then he approves. You'll have to talk to Isagenius yourself and work it out.
Also you need to tell me dates so I can pencil them into my calendar.
I'm a busy little doll you know.
Hey Mini-Andy!
Wanna come out for a night on the town with Claire, Maxi-Andy and Me on Friday night?
We could discuss any future trips you might be intersted in... Like to the Edinburgh Festivals (the last week of August) and there might be a visa run to NZ in the pipeline for October time....
Hi Caz!
An invite to go on the town with 2 maxi-Girls!? Of course I will!
I've put you in the calendar.
Going to Santa Barbara in mid-April..
better get him out soon if he gets to go with me!!!
April 15 - 24