Backyard Bones
3:19 PM
Today our favourite mini-Adventurer set off on an an archaeological dig in the back garden of school and found himself up to his yellow tie in dinosaur bones in the sandpit!
As you can see, mini-Andy always carries a bottle of glycerine around that's bigger than him, just in case he wants to do any explosions. Unfortunately, the next episode of this, "mini-Andy goes nuclear" was not captured on video as there was a technical malfunction but rest assured he will be carrying out some dangerous experiments soon!
Just another day at the office for our mini-adventurer.

yeah mini-andy continue mini-andy,we will have your car fixed soon!
more adventures to go!
meanwile,you can go by bus with mini-andycoins!
to go far away with very little money!
I think I should take mini andy to the sky trip because im responsable of hin and I the cooloest